My sister-in-law Meghan at Adventures of Tader Baby nominated me for a Sisterhood Award. While I'm honored (THANKS, Meghan!) by the award, I am struggling with who to give it to... There are SO many of you out in blog-land who I feel a "sisterhood" and connection with. Some of you I've already nominated for awards, I don't want you to feel burdened or "burnt out" with blog awards. So---if you're on the list below, know that it means that I LOVE YA, and I won't be offended if you don't participate. :) And if you're not on the list, I have 2 requests:
1. Please let me know if you're reading and I don't have you on my Blogroll, so I can add you to my reading list!
2. Please know that if I didn't "nominate" you, it doesn't mean I don't love you TOO! (I'd feel horribly guilty if I've caused anyone to feel like the last kid picked for their gym class team...)
The guidelines for this award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post.
3. Let your nominees know they have received the award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
4. Be sure to link this post to the person who nominated you for the award.
My nominees are:
1. Looking4#3 at OneMoreLittleOne
2. Carrie at Letting It Out
3. Shelli at Bag Momma
4. Danifred at Sippy Cups are for Starbucks
5. Sunny at Secrets of an Infertile Mom
6. Erica at Parenthood For Me, Inc.
7. Dani at Life Induces Thoughts, Mostly Random
8. Eve at Infertility Rocks!
9. Marie at My Expected End
10. Heather at Geek by Marriage
Awww, thank you! I really appreciate it! I do love awards, although it is hard to pick people for various reasons. :) But I gladly accept.
Thank you so much! I suck at getting back to these awards, so I went ahead and copied it now and put it in draft format. Mommy just has a hard time remembering anything these days.
Thanks Alana. I love reading your blog as well! I appreciate the award.
Woooooo I finally get this one! I think I am the last blogger alive to get it so TYTYTYTYTYTY!
Thank you so much. I really appreciate you putting me on your list.
Aww thanks hon! Like Geek, I haven't received this one, yet. I truly appreciate it!
Ahhhhh... thank you! I love awards. I will get on that this week :)
I could pout and make you feel bad... you know I could... ;) but I won't. I hear ya about how hard it is to choose who to nominate.
And speaking of which... I've nominated you for yet another award. It's one I don't think youve had before. I suggest tucking it away for a day when you don't know what to post about. :)
Thank you!!! I really appreciate it, and glad to have found you.
Thanks so very much! I'm so behind on my blog-reading these days...what a pleasant surprise!!!!
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