Saturday, July 25, 2009

Vacation Ramblings

Wow....I am sooooooo longing to create a super-lengthy post, but sadly I don't have time. I'll have to do some quick news blurbs:

Blogoversary: Today marks the one year mark since I began blogging. What began as a journal and "outlet" turned into the formation of online friendships and a wonderful support group. How I *HEART* YOU, dear readers! XOXOX!

Vacation: We're still at my parent's house. DH leaves tomorrow to fly back to Florida, where he returns to work on Monday. (Poor DH!) Em and I will be here for a while yet... This coming Friday, I leave for a 4-day reunion/girl's weekend in NYC with my college girlfriends. (Em will stay with my parents during my get away.)

Cool Stuff:
--My older sister and Em finally met for the first time. They hit it off quite well. :)
--I was able to have a fun sisters-day-out in which my older sis Michelle, younger sis Laurel, and I went out for lunch and then had massages. Ahhhh!
--Em completed beginner swimming lessons (or as DH said, "more like water acclimation classes")
--DH won a T-shirt by eating a ginormous sandwich called "The Dagwood" at the Ohio Deli in 19 minutes. (He wanted to try this feat he had seen on the Food Network "Man Versus Food" show.)
--I brought the Wii on vacation and continued my A.ctive 30-day challenge. But I'm at a current weight loss stand-still due to eating my Mom's home cooking, and going to the restaurants we "miss" when we're in Florida. (M.ontgomery Inn ribs or S.kyline Cincinnati style chili, anyone? Yummy!)
--I don't feel (current) guilt about eating at restaurants because I spent 3 hours weeding my Mom's flower garden...and I'm still sore 2 days later!
--Laurel, DH and I went to see the "Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince" movie. While I enjoyed the film, it was definitely a "connector" movie between 5 and 7. And I was disappointed by some things that were left out (a rather abrupt ending, unlike the book, for example; and only one measly line explaining the identity of the "half-blood prince") and by some things that were added (example--I'm half way through re-reading the book now and there were NO house fires in the book thus far!)
--My Mom checked out 2 "Pippi Longstocking" movies from the library. Emma LOVES them. And of course, the rest of us detest them, because they've been watched over and over and over again. Not to mention, they were filmed in Germany (I think) and the English voices are very poorly dubbed over the actor's actual voices. Cue music: "I am Pippi Longstocking, if you say it fast it's funny..."

School Stuff: I have done ZERO school work since I've been here. I had planned to do a lot of lesson planning and preparation of ideas. Thus far I've done zilch. Nada. And I really am not regretting this decision...(yet.)

--7/25/09 To her Grandpa regarding the bald patch on his head: "You're starting to look like Daddy Warbucks." (I thought this was hilarious, as my Dad still has quite a bit of hair, and is NOT bald like the dad in the "Annie" movie.)

--7/17/09 Regarding Jack and Annie from "The Magic Tree House:"
Em: "They can go through the secret massage."
Me: "Do you mean secret passage?"
Em: "Umm. No, I think it's just a path way."

--7/7/09 On Biblical Figures:
Em: "Who was that guy that went overboard?"
Me: "What?"
Em: "You know! Was it Noah? The guy that went overboard and got eaten by the whale."
Me: "That was Jonah. Jonah was swallowed by the whale. But Jonah was not on the boat with Noah."
Em: "Yes he was! He went overboard and that's how the whale got him!"
(Sadly, her logic totally makes sense....she still thinks Noah and Jonah were boating buddies. I'm going to have to work on this one.)

I miss you, Blog Buddies! I'll be back in 2 weeks! :)


Sunny said...

Thanks for the vacay update! And happy blogoversary!

Skyline Chili... barf... Sorry, I only lived in Cincy for 6 months, but even just the gigantic pictures on the billboards made me sick to my stomach. :)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Enjoy the next two weeks - and don't feel guilty about work!

Beautiful Mess said...

Happy blogoversary! I'm glad you started blogging and I was able to connect to you!

Sounds like you are having SO much fun! glad you're getting time in with your sisters. That's priceless! Have so much fun at your reunion!

Carrie27 said...

I, for one, am happy that you haven't done any school work. Vacation is just that, a vacation. Glad you are having such a great time!

Danifred said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time.
I loved Pippi Longstocking as a kid, I even dressed up as her for Halloween several years... yet, I had totally forgotten about those movies until now.
Enjoy the rest of your time there :)

looking4#3 said...

LOVE the updates and stories with your little girl!!!! Glad you are enjoying the summer!!!!

tbonegrl said...

happy blogaversary!!!

Mrs. Gamgee said...

I can't believe I missed your vacation update! I was just stopping by today to check when you are due back because I wanted to chat with you about something that Mel mentioned in her post on Stirrup Queens today. When you get back home and are settled in, drop me a line at missus(underscore)gamgee at yahoo dot com.

I hope that the rest of your vacation is fun and restful!

looking4#3 said...

Checking in to say HI and see how you are doing!! I guess you are still at your parents. I hope you are having a GREAT time!!!!!