3 am-ish. Finally drifted off to sleep. Only to be awakened by the dog nudging the door knob in a not-so-subtle LET ME OUT TO POTTY NOW signal. Ack.
Quick Shout Out I forgot---to my awesome Mom who sent a wonderful package to Emma filled with books, Phonics workbooks, clothes and Valentines for Em. (We received the package prior to V-day, I'm just behind posting about it.) Thanks, MOM! The package rocked. Em loved her goodies and is especially fond of the denim jumper.
Dog is back. My pillow beckons... Can't believe it's 3 a.m. and I still haven't had fitful rest.
21 hours ago
Ugh, the door nudge. Oh how I can relate. Between our 2 dogs it's like they take turns trying to wake us up for fun! But I guess it's better than the alternative of having to clean up their mess! :) Hope you got some good sleep!
THIS is why we won't get another dog once ours die. As if kids aren't enough work...
Ugh! We've only had our little furry friend for a week and a bit, and I'm already discovering the joys of obscenely early wake up calls. Hope you get some better sleep tonight.
I hope you're feeling better! Just in time for the weekend, too!
I hope the sinusitis is letting up for you! We have naughty sinuses in my family, too. I find a neti pot and breathe right strip before bed does wonders.
Hi sweetie!
I am a bit behind commenting at the moment, sorry! I hope that you feel better soon and are able to get some sleep. Thinking of you. Don't worry about the 'mix-up'!!
I am glad you cleared it up though :)
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