I spent New Year's day completing the move. Emma is completely moved out of her old bedroom. Surely you remember the one? The one with a baby Suzy's Zoo wallpaper border, infant decor, and glider rocking chair? Remember the matching crib set---the cute little

The room is mostly empty now. (I'm not counting our filled bookshelves, nor DH's RockBand drum set...) If you would be so kind as to help us create an occupant for the room I would be much obliged!
As 2010 begins, I am ready for change. Today I changed my blog i.d. from "A Mom in Jacksonville, FL" to "Alana." As this blog has turned into my outlet and a medium to express my emotions, I figure my i.d might as well match my title, right?? (And though I love Em to pieces, she isn't the only focus of my writing.)
My goals for 2010:
1. Read 75 books. (I only read 70 last year...missed my '09 goal by 5. Drat! Though as the majority of books I read were 350+ pages, I'm not going to be too down on myself...)
2. Yell less. (It kills me when I keep my cool all day long with 8th grade punks, only to come home and yell at Emma for something trivial. My goal is to control my temper and to remember WHO really matters!)
3. Exercise. At this time, I'm not going to set a specific "pounds lost" or "minutes per day" goal. I will commit to 45 minutes a minimum of 3 times per week. (I'm hoping it will be more than that, but am trying to be realistic.) (And again---Em's new bike has helped! When she asks to go outside, I walk/jog with her as she bike rides.)
4. Baby. Did I mention I'd like to have another child? (Before Emma graduates from high school and before I retire if at all possible...)
Yes, I'm ready for change. Please bring it!
Good luck on all your goals for 2010. I try not to set too many goals for myself cause I'm not disciplined enough to stay on task. I would like to get more organized this year.
I hope that your prayers have been heard and that 2010 is a blessing-filled year for you.
Wow! 75 books!
I am completly impressed with your reading list! I used to be an avid reader, and hope to someday get back into it. I too am hopeful that 2010 is your year and that your dreams and wishes are fulfilled.
(P.S. Did I miss the post about your follow-up appointment this summer? I went back through your archives, but can't find it. I was just curious about what the OB had to say in regards to trying again.)
Im totally impressed w/the reading list..Can you tell us some of your faves that you read last year? I read the Twilight series, the new Stephen King & the new Dan Brown..But I need some new ideas..and Im w/you on change for 2010..bring it!!
I hope this year brings you a sweet little one who will love her Witzy, Boof and Ella-funt (is that one right?) room!
Such an important milestone for Miss Em and you... sending many many prayers that this time next year that crib will be out of the garage.
Great list... 75 books is a fabulous number! Have you read the Suzanne Collins series yet? Or the Percy Jackson series?
Good luck on your goals! I have no doubt in my mind you will accomplish what you can. I'll be hoping and praying your second child comes to you soon, hon.
With your determination, I know your goals will be met! Praying that your BFP wishes come true in 2010.
Good luck on your goals! Try not to freeze to death in your quest to fulfill them! Brrrr!
I find that if say I want to lose some weight and feel better about myself and committ to exercising more, then I have an easier time fulfilling the goal. I really hope that a new baby comes into your home soon. I am dedicating 2010 to many things. One of them is trying to get pregnant, naturally. This sounds crazy but we never really tried.
I find that if say I want to lose some weight and feel better about myself and committ to exercising more, then I have an easier time fulfilling the goal. I really hope that a new baby comes into your home soon. I am dedicating 2010 to many things. One of them is trying to get pregnant, naturally. This sounds crazy but we never really tried.
Hey Alana,
I love your resolutions. Mine are quite similar! I wish I knew how many books I read in 2009-but have no idea. I remember the ones I loved the most though! I hope you get your baby wish! While you are TTC'ing and hoping I'll be right there with you. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog.xx
Love the list of goals, I need to do one myself. I am super impressed with your reading, that is AWESOME! And I can SO relate to the request for an occupant for the empty room!!!! Praying 2010 will be our year!!! Happy New Year girl!
I am a little late, but I am wishing you ALL the blessings that 2010 can possibly bring. You are such a beautiful person and deserve to have your dreams come true. Next stop: BFP!
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