First, my apologies for being behind on commenting. This is always the busiest time of year for me, as we are in "crunch time" in the final days before state FCAT testing. (My students test on March 9-11.) Additionally, we just finished 3rd quarter midterms and progress reports, which meant I had to keep my grades up-to-date. DH, Em and I did have a wonderful Disney get away last weekend....hopefully I'll get pictures and an update posted soon. I devoted my "spare time" last week to watching the Olympics. And did anyone catch the gold medal hockey game between the U.S. and Canada yesterday? Despite the U.S. losing, it was an AMAZING game!
I was hoping to create another Limerick for Weeble's Contest (see my prior post or the link in the left sidebar for further details.) My hope for Limerick #2 was to send a "shout out" to as many of my readers and blog buddies as I could as a "thank you" for the support I've felt since finding the ALI community. I'm still bummed I didn't find you sooner, but this is far surpassed by the gratitude I feel for the knowledge, insight, and love you've shared. I'm tickled with myself for being able to mention 12 of you and still maintain some type of rhyme scheme, even if I lost the Limerick schemata (which is why I'm not entering this in Weeble's contest.) If you aren't mentioned, I'll try to catch you another time...please don't feel less loved. Thank you, dear readers! I love ya!
(Note: I'm having difficulty linking the blog titles to the blogs....all names in caps below are listed in full on my blog roll.)
A Non-Limerick of Thanks
By: Alana Mar. 2010
I'm a WISTFUL GEEK, a SALVAGEABLE pregnancy is my quest,
I've "met" amazing online DREAMERS who support my ADVENTURE with zest!
They cheer me through my joys, and virtually hug me when I'm numb.
Though my EXPECTED END remains unseen, your blog comments are one reason I'm BLESSED!
Whew! I loved the limerick contest, but incorporating names of blogs was difficult. SOOOOO fun! Happy March, everyone. Xoxox
19 hours ago
Alana! I LOVE IT! For some odd reason, it brought me to tears. Thank you for that tribute. I absolutely value the friendship that we have, and agree when I say I wished we had "met" sooner.
I completely understand being swamped! It is crunch time here in Broward County, and let me tell you, we are pushing pedal to the metal (at least I think thats how the phrase goes). Anyway - good luck on the final aspects of preparation this week, and good luck next week!!!!!
Wow, I am impressed you worked so many names into that poem.
Whew, you have been busy! I hope all goes well with the testing and such. Spring break isn't so far away!
Great limerick, thanks for the shout-out! I am so lucky to "know" you too -- you are a ray of sunshine and my fingers are crossed that your journey to #2 sees success very soon. I'm really excited about your next steps!
Hugs and kisses, girl.
Hey! It's me :) I feel like the cool kid who just got picked first in dodgeball. (Do kids still play dodgeball? Maybe they should, maybe that would help them get out some aggression.)
Don't forget to take some time for you during all the busyness of your life! (That's right, I know how to give advice, I just don't know how to follow it.)
You are the sweetest thing ever! Reading that little shout-out made my day! Good luck with the next couple of weeks - we'll see you on the other side!
I can't believe how soon you take your tests - how can you jam everything in by now? That is absolutely crazy!
I'm blushing, I can't believe I was mentioned.
Don't worry about being behind on commenting sweetie. I understand completely! Anyway I am so loving your limerick. Thanks for mentioning me :) It is the 2nd one I have been mentioned in (Wishing4One also gave me a shout-out) so I am feeling very loved!! You are such a sweetie and I hope things settle down at work soon. Take care!!
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